Friday, May 20, 2011

The Ducks are Back!

I had to post that I spotted the ducks this afternoon taking a leisurely swim. What a wonderful surprise on this beautiful sunny Friday. 

Have a great long-weekend everyone!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Planting Seeds

There is something so magical about nature. A seed gets planted—add sunlight and water and you get flower and fruit. This year we are excited to share some garden space in the backyard of a family up the street. We started prepping the garden last weekend. I can hardly wait to grow ingredients to make a fresh salad. Did you know that planting broccoli attracts butterflies? 

I am now starting to see some results of the seeds I planted with my yoga training. I now have a growing group of yogis at my work that I teach every Tuesday. I have also been teaching donation classes at studios around town. I am starting to feel more comfortable instructing and helping students with their alignment. 

Planting seeds—as in nature so in life. Plant the seeds today to create the life you want to lead tomorrow and with some patience, you might see the results of your past efforts. 

Here are some photos of our garden space:

Veggie Cam View

Big Red

The beginnings of the bean stalk

A nice assortment of veggies

The view from the garden—our veggies will have a better view than us!

Prepped and ready for planting.

P.S. I hope we get some veggies like the one's at this farmer's market.
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