Monday, November 22, 2010

Need a boost? Do a handstand.

There are a number of physical and pyschological benefits to getting inverted. Reversing the force of gravity can give your vital organs a much-needed rest, improve circulation, respiration and increase concentration and mental clarity. Mostly, I like the playful, youthful energy I receive after I kick up against the wall.

You can do a  handstand pretty much anywhere, anytime. All you need is a wall with enough space around to kick up. Sometimes when I am at the office and need a boost of energy—instead of heading for the candy drawer I go to a little out-of-the-way nook and hold a handstand for 20 seconds. It works like I charm. I come back to my desk with a big smile and I feel like I can take on anything.

So what are you waiting for? Get charged, get upside down. 

Photo—Me assisting a fellow yogi in a one-minute handstand at Anusara Teacher Training.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Thoughts on paper

I haven't practiced journalling for years, in fact the last time I did keep a diary of any kind was on my trip to Australia—over 10 years ago! I love going back and reading about my adventures down under. It's funny that I decided that this was a worthy time to write about my life, perhaps it was because I feel that without some extraordinary event to write about, it just isn't worthwhile.

Throughout my yoga instructors training we have been asked to do a fair amount of journalling—reflecting on things we've learned about ourselves during the training. One thing I noticed is that even though I am writing to myself and for myself,  I still write as if it were to a broader audience, which leads me to wonder—am I being completely honest or am I holding back and editing the content slightly? I think this takes practice.

As I searched for an image for this post I stumbled across a blog that gives great tips on how to write a diary. Check it out here

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sticking to it!

Today is my birthday so I thought I would post something fun for any viewers visiting J-Bo today. This is a packing tape installation at Berlin's decommissioned Temperhof airport. There are some pretty cool photos of adults and kids exploring the maze of tape tunnels. 

See more at archrecord.
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