Sunday, December 11, 2011

Wandering Yoginis

Have you heard about the Wandering Yoginis? They are two yoga instructors from Vancouver who are touring around India on motorcycles. How sexy is that? You can check out their blog where they are documenting their trip with video diaries.

In an attempt to define their life's purpose, they question if finding purpose is just being satisfied with where they are right now. “If I let go of trying to know where I’m going or what’s going to happen, then something magical always happens.” Meghan Currie, Wandering Yogini. Below is a time-lapse video of Meghan practicing outside a temple in India.

What a beautiful practice. I look forward to following the Wandering Yoginis as they motorcycle across India and hearing about their adventures along the way.


1 comment:

  1. they are complete inspiration!! thanks for stopping by my blog. love!


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