Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Open to Grace

Here are some pictures that were taken during my 5-day immersion of Anusara-inspired yoga training. It was quite the experience, with 58 yogis all coming together to learn the fundamental principles of Anusara. I met people from Edmonton, Tofino, L.A. and all over the mainland, many of whom were already teaching and studying yoga for many years. Highlights include learning how to come up into a pressed handstand (with assistance of course) and connecting with some pretty cool people. I hope to join in on the second immersion in May and rock out a few hand balances.


  1. Awesome Jen! Looks like you had a great time. Was it a teaching course (are you going to teach)?? I'm impressed!

  2. I would love to teach. Taking it one pose at a time! Thanks for the encouragement.

  3. Yay! I'll be first in line for flexibility instruction:)


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